SAR Consultancy offers a wide range of products for a broad range of users. The products can largely be broken into two key areas: research and analytical pieces; and security-based analysis and risk assessments. Bespoke products can also be provided for on request. We conduct, develop and support the following activities in a manner that is cognisant of a companies specific needs:
Research & Analysis
- in-country or desk-based research, including primary & secondary data collection
- topic(s) assessment
- needs assessment
- programme evaluation
Security Risk Assessments & Audits
- security threat & risk assessments
- regional analysis
- security reviews of programmes, prior and/or during implementation
- security & travel risk management strategy
- facilities and residential security assessment
- security procurement advice and support
- Horizon Scanning and Geopolitical Risk Assessments
Services which can be provided via our partners include but are not limited to:
- close protection
- training, which may include, Hostile Environments and Emergency First Aid Training (HEFAT®), Crisis Management Training, First Aid and other bespoke training etc.
- PR and communication strategies, implementation and broadcasting (security related matters or research)