
SAR Consultancy regularly releases bulletins on security related issues, international incidents, and other topics of interest. Links to these bulletins can be found below. These are provided free of charge. More detailed reports are available for a fee. If you would like to receive any periodical security bulletins please complete our contact form on the contact us page.

Bosnia Herzegovina

Please find below our report our first joint piece of work with Media Pulse, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) in which we explored the value of open source data on understanding terrorism activity in BiH.

201511 – SAR Con Media Pulse BOSNIAN Version Understanding Enes Omeragic and the Rajlovac incident better

201511 – SAR Con Media Pulse Understanding Enes Omeragic and the Rajlovac incident better

SAR Consultancy Media Pulse Bulletin – Media Analysis of Terrorist Activity in BiH

SAR Consultancy Media Pulse Bulletin – Ispitivanje značaja javno dostupnih podataka o terorističkim aktivnostima u BiH

Please find below our report on Organised Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina in English and local languages:

Organised Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina – A Silent War Fought by an Ambush of Toothless Tigers or a War not yet Fought – 2012

Organizovani Kriminal u Bosni I Hercegovini Tihi rat koji is zasjede vode bezubi tigrovi il i rat koji još nije vodzen? – 2012


Sheelagh Brady (2016), Anti-Corruption justice and collaboration in Kosovo: Challenges and recommendations. Chr. Michelsen Insititute (U4 Anti- Corruption Brief 2016:7)

U4Brief-2016-07-WEB Anti Corruption justice and collaboration in Kosovo Challenges and recommendations